A well-deserved congratulations.

This simple blog is being written to give a hearty congratulations to Dave Schultz and his Nextlinks project. He has opened his business at Indian Wells. For those of you not familiar with Nextlinks, it’s another fun off-course way to get new customers interested in golf while getting them interested in progressing to the game on grass. His facility keeps the entertainment fun and light and as Topgolf, they keep it family affordable. When places and new businesses get the kind of reviews that they get, the industry should take notice. I realize that there is a chasm between the “play by the rules golfers ‘and the “I just want to have fun” golfers. I don’t understand it. This chasm doesn’t exist in baseball vs. softball, or pro soccer and recreational soccer. Why if someone is just out playing for fun without keeping score that they have to walk back to the tee to retee while holding up the other players who aren’t getting paid to be there. When you’re playing in a tournament of some kind, absolutely you play by the rules. But why punish those who want to spend their money at a course to play for fun? This is why I salute places like Nextlinks. They allow people to just have fun while developing knowledge and a liking for the industry. Forget that it’s a sport. IT’S A BUSINESS. It’s time we started thinking of it as such and got new blood to come and have fun first, develop the love and then play by the rules.

It’s now 7:52 and I have no place to play. I wish I had someplace open nearby.




Paul Harrington

Retired from work and rehiring in fun and charity.


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Fun. Exuberance. Joy. Remember those words